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Gel-Based E. coli Topoisomerase IV DNA Decatenation Assay

DNA decatenation is an essential process during DNA replication in the cells. The DNA decatenation reaction was carried out by topoisomerase IV (the parC-parE complex) in bacteria.  The DNA decatenation reaction converts the concatenated DNA into decatenated DNA.   TheGel-Based E. coli Topoisomerase IV DNA Decatenation Assay is based on the principle that the decatenated DNA and concatenated DNA are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis.  Fluorescence-based DNA decatenation assays in a 96-well pate format are also available for high throughput screening of gyrase inhibitors.  For more information of the high throughput DNA decatenation assays, please visit the website at http://www.profoldin.com/topo_iv_assays.html.

The Gel-Based E. coli Topoisomerase IV DNA Decatenation Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. GDDA100KE) includes all the reagents for 100 samples in gel-based assays of E. coli topoisomerase IV DNA decatenation activity.  It includes 300 µl of 10 x Buffer, 205 µl of 60 mg/ml concatenated DNA (kDNA), 205 µl of 10 mM ATP,  550 µl of  5 x Gel loading buffer and 22 µl of 10 µM E.coli topoisomerase IV (the parC-parE complex).